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Goals pantry

In many books you may find the description of the investigations of Yale University that studied the students’ successfulness after their graduation the university. Among the questions the students answered there was a question of whether they wrote down their goals. Only three per cents of the students answered this question positively. Since 20 years the University continued the investigations by interrogating the same students. It was appeared that the students that answered positively the above-mentioned question scored the most success in their careers than the rest of them. To watch and to formulate the goal is to reach it by halves.
The goals pantry is filled only once, after that you’ll return here regularly to sum the reached goals up, to throw away the goals that appeared to be false or by some reasons to be of lost interest for you, or to include the new ones.
Starting the Game you should fill the pantry with the goals, completing the table at the next page.
In the column “WISH” you write down your wish or goal. The more wishes you write the easier it will be to choose the wishes to enter the Game.
In the column “Goal purpose” you should indicate one of the following categories or add something by yourself:
— for yourself — for soul — for family
— for home — for children — for parents
— for body — for society — for friends
— for world — for pleasure ….
In the column “Realization date” you should write the date up to that you’d want to reach the goal. This precondition is a transformation of any wish into aim. Later you may correct this date. Maybe your goal will be realized earlier than the date you’ve written.

And the main column is “Gratitude”. You should imagine the reward for realizing you wish. It may be something real (a present for yourself), or it may be something imaginary, but obligatory for you by reaching the goal.
The pantry is limited only by your fantasy, and if you don’t have enough place in this table you may extend it by yourself.
Before entering the game you should choose the games you’ll play with from the pantry. Pay attention to the previous exercise in which you filled the life wheel, you may choose just those goals that will support the harmonization of your wheel.
Three is the minimal number of goals, seven – the maximum. During the game you may substitute any goal for the one from the pantry, but only on the first level.

__________________________ «____»___________ 20___ .

№ WISH Goal purpose Realization date Gratitude


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